Wednesday, August 26, 2009

16 hours...

until I'll be in Hot-lanta!

My lovely aunt just interupted my lunch of chocolate ice cream (with pnut butter ribbons, right out of the container...yum)to let me know she needs to see some baby pics...this blog is for you Auntie Sandra!

My flight leaves at 6:10 in the morning. Some good friends of ours are picking me up at the airport. I'm excited to see their new house and catch up for a bit. Later in the morning Buffey will pick me up and we are headed for massages - oh the luxury! The weekend is really planned around the Women of Faith of Conference. Buffey and I will be attending the conference on Friday and Saturday.

The kids will be sprinkled throughout the city with good friends and family. Thank you all! My aunt Karen is coming down from Richmond to help out, too. I can't wait!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Here is how John gets his exercise...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Playground fun

We walked up a neighborhood playground today. The girls had fun when they realized they could hang from the bar above the slide. Joseph always does this, but they had never noticed before. Bodie made the walk with us today and was very well behaved at the park.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meet Rosie and Lulu. They are my new foster kittens. They are living on our screened porch with their beautiful momma, Queenie. Queenie takes very good care of them - keeping them spotless. She is nursing them, I guess they are about 4 weeks old.

Here is a picture I snapped this week of the kids playing with their match box cars while I was fixing dinner. They were using baking sheets for ramps.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yard work

Today my parents and aunt Karen surprised John, Joseph and I by taking all the babies! John and Joseph did yard work while I slipped out to do some shopping.

We are getting ready to hit the pool. It has been a great day!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ants! Ants!

The kids love to stop by these two big trees when we go walking. They have huge black ants all around them. They point and say ant! ant! ant!
For dinner we had tacos and mexican rice. Joseph told me he knew how I made rice, "you catch some of the red ants and cut off their heads and legs and feet off. Then you have rice!"
Sounds yummy, doesn't it?