Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crisp Air

We have been enjoying as much out side time as possible the last few weeks. The kids love to look at leaves and we talk about their colors and sizes. This past weekend we painted pumpkins with our good friend Russ (pictured here with the kids). We had planned to go to a pumpkin patch, but the rain changed our plans.

Joseph's new thing is to play magician. Here he is dressed up as a magician. The triplets play along and do whatever he says. It is very amusing to watch. He plans to be a cowboy for Halloween and the triplets will be cows.
Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Birthday Bash

The triplets turned two last Sunday. We celebrated with family on Saturday. They enjoyed having "happy birthday" sung individually and blowing out the candles. Aunt Karen had been practicing with each of them!

Yesterday, Mary took a tumble down about six steps. I ended up taking her to the ER and she had a CAT scan. Luckily that was negative and she was diagnosed with a concussion. Her balance and coordination have returned, but one of her eyes is still a bit droopy.
Tonight mom and dad are coming over to celebrate my birthday - Shrimp and Grits. YUM!