Friday, July 31, 2009

getting back to normal

We survived the beach trip - two very long car rides - a house with 16 people; 7 of who had the stomach bug during the week. We made some fun family memories and enjoyed spending time with the family. Madeline and Joseph were born for the beach. Look for pictures soon.

This week my dear friend from Atlanta came up for a visit with two of her three kids. We enjoyed some fun times with them. This picture was one morning at the park. We had taken some playdough along.

The littles ones language is really blossoming. Mary will put 4 words together. It stops me in my tracks sometimes. This picture is them enjoying a yummy apple snack on Tuesday.


  1. cute. fun to see the pics. your little ones do have awesome language skills. i was very impressed at the beach.

  2. Looks like everyone is having fun.
